Values & Visions

Values and Visions front cover

You may remember the original Values & Visions handbook, published in the 1990s by Manchester’s Development Education Project. This year sees a brand new updated version and I’m happy to be participating in the relaunch.

Values & Visions is a way of working which starts from core values, supports children to find meaning and purpose, and empowers them to be part of a sustainable future. It gives teachers the tools to develop young people’s inner strength, confidence and sense of hope.

What I love about it is how it puts the child at the centre. It reminds us why we became teachers, and is full of inspiring and uplifting activities which will help make school a fulfilling experience.

Values and Visions fits well with my aim of supporting children to become confident, thinking communicators as it encourages them to reflect, listen to each other and express their thoughts and feelings.

  • You can order your copy at the usual online outlets (e.g. and it is also available as an e-book.

  • Values & Visions are also looking for schools who are interested in working with them to further embed a values-centred approach. Contact