Festive fun ‘Questions Only’ game

Questions Only is a really fun game, and a good one to practise oracy skills of listening and responding. Try playing it using some of the following scenarios:

  • You’re decorating a Christmas tree with your friend

  • You’re having breakfast with your family and you see that it’s snowing outside

  • You’re at home in the holidays and you realise you’ve had enough of screens

Snowy trees and tower blocks

Maybe the game will go something like this:

[Decorating a Christmas tree]

Wow, what’s all this shiny stuff?

Don’t you know what it’s called?

Well don’t you?!

Where does the name ‘tinsel’ come from?

Is it made of tin?

Do you think it is?

Where does tin come from?

Does it come out of the ground?

I thought it comes from cans. Oops – that wasn’t a question… you win!!