‘Time to Think’ by Nancy Kline

To help people think for themselves, first listen. And listen. Then - listen.
— from Time To Think, Chapter 3: Attention
front cover of Time to Think by Nancy Kline

Imagine a world where good ideas abound, action follows and people flourish.

This is the call to action in Nancy Kline’s Time To Think. The book describes an approach called the Thinking Environment, designed to help organisations make better decisions, resolve conflict and reach solutions faster.

In her insightful, witty style Nancy defines ten components of a Thinking Environment including Attention, Appreciation and Ease.

I re-read this book recently, thinking about Teaching Assistants and their talk. When supporting children in the classroom, it’s easy to worry that, if you’re not ‘doing’, you’re not ‘helping’. However, in Nancy Kline’s extensive experience, the simple act of listening without interruption can have a transformative effect.

The next time someone asks you for help with a problem, remember that the brain that contains the problem probably also contains the solution. Then set up the conditions for them to find it.
— from Time to Think, Chapter 3: Attention

Time To Think isn’t specifically aimed at educators but I have found it a thought-provoking reference point for my work. If you are interested in deepening your understanding of the power of dialogue, consider getting hold of a copy.

Ask your students what they think five times more often than you tell them what you think.
— from Time To Think, Chapter 36: Schools