Talk prompts for trips

Talk prompts can hugely support students to talk to the class. The simple fact of having some words to get started makes all the difference, and helps everyone to contribute.

Talk prompts can be created for all sorts of situations. You can also use them as an opportunity to introduce and practise new vocabulary.

Here are some ideas for prompts that relate to school trips.

Talk prompts for before school trips

Young children walking in the sun on their school trip

Something I am excited about is…

One thing I’m looking forward to is…

Something we might see is…

One thing I’m not sure about is…

One thing I’m wondering is…

I predict that on the trip…

I am anticipating that on the trip…

At our destination it is possible that…

This excursion is an opportunity to…

Talk prompts for after school trips

Something I enjoyed was…

Something interesting was…

Something I was surprised about was…

Something I didn’t like was…

Something I learned was…

A question I now have is…

On reflection, the most memorable part of the trip was…

The most extraordinary thing that happened was…

Two noteworthy things that I saw were…

I like to display a variety of talk prompts, give some thinking time, and then get everyone to say something to the class using a prompt of their choice. You could do a round.

This is good oracy practice for talking to the class, and gives you an insight into pupils’ thoughts, feelings and questions.